• Current Location:
Burlington, Iowa
• Favorite Band When you were in High School?
I’m probably going to age myself a bit here, but back in my High Schools days was the era of the Columbia House penny CD specials which helped expand my CD collection a lot! I had quite the range of favorite artists as I still do today, depending on my mood. LOL! In High School you could find me listing to Nirvana, Green Day, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries & Tim McGraw…. Yes, I like Country! Sorry!
• Who was the first FiXT artist’s Music You Heard?
After my first stint in college I landed a job managing our local f.y.e. (music & movie store for those abroad) back in the early 2000’s and my first introduction to a FiXT artist was Celldweller by none other than James Rhodes. Whenever he was in the mall, he would always stop by to say hey & to see if we had any Celldweller CD’s on the shelf. If we didn’t have any at the time of his visit, I would always place a special order for it so that we would always have some in stock.
• Interesting Fact About Something You Do or Have Done that is non-music related:
Outside of work I am a very active volunteer! I am part of our local Pheasants Forever Chapter which focuses on conservation & getting youth outdoors. I also am very passionately involved with the Elks which gives back to youth & Veterans through various programs. I am currently serving the Elks in a position assisting our Grand Exalted Ruler who oversees all of the Lodges in the country and I was also recently installed as Lecturing Knight Division Chair at our Spring Convention, where I will help oversee, train, and guide Lodge Officers and several of our State committees that are dedicated to serving our Veteran & Americanism programs. One of my favorite Elks sayings is “The influence of a good deed, honestly & promptly preformed will continue forever.” Which is something that I try to live by & incorporate into my daily life.
Favorite Sport or Sports Team:
Iowa Hawekeys Football season is THE BEST!! I love either going to games or getting together with family & friends to watch them on tv!
A Non-Music related Hobby:
When I am not volunteering, you can find me spending time with my husband, Scott and our two dogs, Maverick & Jetta. We like to go out boating on the Mississippi in the summer, doing home improvement projects & refinishing old furniture to make it new again.
• What is one of the biggest successes you’ve enjoyed being a part of working on at FiXT?
One of the biggest successes I’ve been a part of was the FiXT Store re-launch. I got to know and work with several more of our awesome team members throughout the project that I don’t normally interact with & it really felt amazing knowing how much team effort was going into getting the re-launch completed. The positive response & feedback from the fans after the re-launch was the icing on the cake!
Closing Message:
I have thoroughly enjoyed being back working at FiXT and getting to know and work with all of the Artists and Team! I am excited for the future of FiXT and all of our Artists & Team and I am proud to be apart of such an amazing group of people all working together to achieve our goals!
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