New Moonrunner83 Song featuring a Heartfelt Performance From Emma Rowly

Luminescent synth melodies shimmer alongside Emma Rowley’s heartfelt vocal performance on the new Moonrunner83 song, “Paradise.” The triumphant track is a tribute to overcoming obstacles in life, beautifully delivered in an upbeat songwriting style with rejuvenating spirit.
Writing “Paradise” was a very visceral process. In fact, most songs we write together just seem to almost write themselves without us needing to think about lyrics and melodies. The lyrical inspiration came from me having a rough few months personally and really just needing to get some positivity sent out into the world. Moonrunner83 sent me the music, Emma and I wrote the lyrics and melody. She sang it and nailed it. What’s so amazing and exciting about making music these days is that people can collaborate together from all over the world and not even meet each other in person. Moonrunner83 is in Alberta, Emma is in Nashville, and I split time up between both east and west coasts.
– A/C St. Clair
“Paradise” was my very first experience writing with both Moonrunner83 and A/C St. Clair! It is always interesting collaborating through the internet with people you’ve never met in person. Thankfully, this project couldn’t have come together better! I feel seriously lucky that Moonrunner83 & A/C wanted me to be a part of this song that I am so proud of as both a writer and a vocalist. I can’t wait for Moonrunner83 fans to finally hear it!
– Emma Rowley
“Paradise” is the first collaboration between Moonrunner83 and Emma Rowley, and it follows “The Last Time” featuring NINA and “All I Need” with Sarah Stephenson on Moonrunner83’s release schedule. The song is out now on all platforms from independent synthwave label FiXT Neon.
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